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Harm Reduction Policy


At Kelly's Dreamland, we are committed to fostering a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for all participants. Our harm reduction policy reflects our dedication to minimizing the potential negative consequences associated with alcohol use while upholding the values of consent, community, and personal responsibility.


Updated: November 29th, 2024

Core Principles of Harm Reduction.

  • Practical Strategies:
    We promote strategies that reduce risks and negative outcomes related to alcohol consumption during events. This includes education, clear communication, and the provision of a supportive environment.

  • Respect for Individual Rights:
    Kelly’s Dreamland recognizes and respects the rights of individuals who choose to consume alcohol. We do not judge or stigmatize these choices but work to ensure that they are made responsibly and with consideration for others.

  • Social Justice Commitment:
    Harm reduction is rooted in a belief in equity and respect for all individuals, regardless of their personal decisions. Kelly’s Dreamland is dedicated to creating a space where everyone feels safe, valued, and supported.



Policy Guidelines.

  1. Alcohol Availability:
    Alcohol is available for purchase at our community events. We encourage responsible consumption and provide resources to educate attendees about the effects of alcohol use and strategies for safe enjoyment.

  2. Consent and Alcohol Use:
    Kelly’s Dreamland emphasizes the importance of clear and enthusiastic consent in all interactions. Alcohol consumption does not excuse or diminish responsibility for obtaining consent. Members are reminded to be mindful of how alcohol may impact their judgment and the experiences of others.

  3. Supportive Environment:

    • Event staff and volunteers are trained to identify and address situations where alcohol use may lead to harm.

    • Resources, such as water stations and quiet areas, are available to support members who require them.

    • Members are encouraged to seek assistance from event staff if they or someone else requires support.

  4. Zero Tolerance for Misconduct:

    • Any behavior that violates the principles of consent or safety, whether influenced by alcohol or not, will be addressed immediately.

    • Members who display harmful or disruptive behavior may be removed from the event and could face restrictions on future participation.


Education and Resources.

Kelly’s Dreamland is dedicated to providing ongoing education about harm reduction and consent. Attendees can access resources on our website, including:

  • Practical strategies for safe alcohol consumption.

  • Information about the intersection of alcohol use and consent.

  • Contact information for support services.



Commitment to Improvement.

Our harm reduction policy is a living document, reflecting our commitment to adapting and improving as we learn from our community. We welcome feedback and suggestions to ensure this policy continues to meet the needs of all participants.


Thank you for joining us in making Kelly's Dreamland a safe, inclusive, and enjoyable space for everyone.

Kelly's Dreamland



Kelly's Dreamland Membership


Kelly's Dreamland Membership

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Consent Speech

Welcome to Kelly’s Dreamland, where we celebrate connection, exploration, and respect! Let’s take a moment to review something important to us — CONSENT. It isn’t just encouraged—it’s REQUIRED. Whether it’s a conversation, a touch, or anything beyond, remember: ask first, respect the answer, and always prioritize mutual comfort. If it’s not a clear, enthusiastic YES, it’s a NO. If at any point you need assistance, our team is here to help. Together, we craft the magic, memories, and safe space that make Kelly’s Dreamland an integral part of thousands of personal journeys.

© 2025 Dreamland Holdings

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