Please read carefully.
Updated: 10.20.22
Vendor Fees
Fees are non-transferable to other event dates. All sales are final.
Vendor Promotional Flyers
We will email your digital flyer after we receive your business logo. If we do not, please send us an email to info@kellysdreamland.com. We don't want to lose track of any vendor among all the vendors that will be in attendance.
Vendor Information
Vendors will receive information after checkout, via the email address used to register.
Vendor Logo
Please send your logo for your digital flyer to one of the three options below:
Instagram direct message (www.instagram.com/kellysdreamland)
Website Chat (below)
Vendor Benefits
Party at work!
Reach your target audience.
(1) companies per industry, placed in the different sections.
(2) reps allowed at Kelly's Dreamland (with no additional cost)
Live DJ
Great Food Options
A digital promotional flyer with your business information.
Vendor Participation
Please understand that you are at a lifestyle event, customers will be engaged in the show. Make your rounds, introduce yourself and pass out cards or other marketing material.
If things happen out of our control with the venue space that we rent, we will not cancel any event. We will postpone it and a different date/location/etc will be given to vendors. If the date does not work for your business, you can select from any date that we have for the remainder of the calendar year. Postponements do not grant refunds, all sales are final.
Vendor Eligibility
To place your license on file please email it to info@kellysdreamland.com. Kelly's Dreamland exclusively accepts high-quality, branded, and state-registered businesses. If you have a CBD company, your business license must be on file with us.
We do not accept the following vendor types:
Illegal substances
Multi-Level Marketing (exceptions under Vendor Limitations)
Food (of any kind to include deserts)
No marijuana products, including flowers, seeds, concentrates, topicals, or edibles, may be sold, displayed, or distributed, including as free samples, at Kelly's Dreamland. Smoking or consuming marijuana products is strictly prohibited and violators will criminally trespass from the venue property. Event management must actively monitor and prohibit the use, sale, display, or distribution of marijuana products by its exhibitors and show attendees. Failure to comply with this requirement shall constitute grounds to terminate vending or attendance for the event.
Aerosol Cans
Aerosol cans containing flammable gases or liquids are prohibited.
Only empty containers may be placed on display.
Flammable liquids, solids, or gases are prohibited inside the building unless prior review and approval are obtained.
The Service Coordinator must approve the use of balloons.
Helium balloons, including columns and arches, must be tethered.
Helium balloons may not be used for handouts
Vendor Liability
Prior to the event, the vending space will be inspected to identify any existing damage. During or immediately following an event, damage reports will be made for each occurrence of damage sustained. Damage exceeding a cost of $1, will be deemed as substantial. Any damage incurred of a substantial nature will be invoiced to the vending company at the current time, labor, and materials rate.
This mutual agreement will be reached to the satisfaction of all parties to include the venue owner. This policy applies to all internal and external areas, inclusive of the loading areas and parking lots.
All vending areas should be left as they were found, clean, with no debris or trash. Glitter is strictly prohibited at any Dreamland event.
Loss of Sales
Kelly's Dreamland is not responsible for loss of sales due to a vendor's late arrival, the venue owner's discretion, or acts of God or law enforcement.
Upon registering your business at one of our events, your business agrees with all policies set forth on this page.